Veterans often experience trauma. This guide explains PTSD, why it needs treatment, and how veterans can get help.
Study on military suicides examines DoD & VA data, alongside interviews with post-9/11 veterans on faith's role. It explores reasons behind the rise.
This paper argues recovery from addiction is a lifelong journey, requiring constant effort integrated into daily life from the start.
A simple fact sheet about PTSD, risk factors, how often it might occur, and more. This is a short read full of great information.
Helps prevent substance use in military by explaining risk factors & strategies for professionals.
A one-page paper describing military sexual trauma (MST). Some good information.
The VA developed a paper that delves into military sexual trauma (MST). While not a long paper, the information provided is important and compelling.
Learn about Military Sexual Trauma (MST) & how VA health care coordinators can connect veterans to VA support programs.
A paper put out by the White House talking about Reducing Military and Veteran Suicide.
This paper is directed at male service members and veterans and how to recognize and deal with military sexual trauma.
This paper deals with Infidelity and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – What it’s all about and what you can do about it
DoD releases annual report with official military suicide data & details from 2022 (DoDSER).
The Department of Defense (DoD) Annual Report on Suicide in the Military for CY21.
Anyone can get PTSD, from veterans to survivors of accidents, assaults, or disasters. This guide covers it all.